Hi Radi, I can try, but I don't have much experience with Scons so far, therefore
I'd prefer not to write directly to svn, so I don't break anything :D But if someone could review my patch before, I can do it. My account is 'raybuntu'
I've added you to the list of users with svn write permissions. If your proposed change works on your platform, please check it in. In this case it will probably work everywhere. It is easy to temporarily back out the changes again if necessary. (Please see libtbx/development/dev_guidelines.txt if you get a chance.) My hacks to get things to the places they belong are some basic shell
tricks that are very bad and I'm not satisfied with them. Today I started making a setup.py.
Great. If you like check it in under libtbx. That would enable others to help out; I don't have much spare time but I'll definitely look and maybe there are a few quick things I can help with.
OK, I have an opinion how this could be done (just an idea): The libtbx/configure is not bad. Maybe it could produce a 'setup.py'.
Yes, that sounds like a good idea.
The SConscripts should offer an optional install target (scons supports that).
Do we need the dependency analysis for this? I'd expect that the install operation finishes in a few seconds. It is probably easier to write a plain Python script not involving SCons.
I also think we need to distinguish cctbx developer and end user. The end user is not really interested in cctbx_sources. Either she/he is a C ++ or a Python developer. So when she/he is a Python developer he just needs the modules, extensions and shared libraries. The *.h, *.hpp, *.c, *.cpp files doesn't interested her/him. On the other hand the C++ Dev. only needs the shared libraries + some header files.
That's true, but it will make things more complicated. The C++ sources can be very useful as a reference even for pure Python users. For the first pass I suggest copying the complete source tree. Getting all include files will need extra attention. Some are generated when you run libtbx/configure.py, under <build>/include. Ralf