Claudia Millán (
Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)
Barcelona, Spain
Hi again :)On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Claudia Millán NebotI've attached a template which reads in the model and data, creates
<> wrote:
> Hi Nat, thanks for pointing it out. Actually, i'm preparing this for a small
> example script in order to include it in a practical seminar about the
> features and tools of the cctbx, so it is not that critical, but I would be
> glad to get some example code of how to use it properly, because my plans
> are to deepen into the use of these tools.
the fmodel object, and calculates CC(obs-calc). This is also in SVN
now under mmtbx/examples/, but I'll probably
go back and modify it later to add more examples like calculating the
model-map CC for an atom selection. There are of course other ways to
write this, but it makes maximal use of Pavel's and my code for the
really common, boring tasks like processing reflection files
consistently, so it's a good place to start for writing programs with
similar inputs.
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