I am starting to write some python code using cctbx, but am missing how to use the C++ bindings.
I am fine unless a try to access them.  Something about my environment or boost of something.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I have 
import boost.python
but am cleary missing some fundamental knowledge.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/georgep/PycharmProjects/test_env/HIO_Version3.py", line 225, in <module>
    S0 = percentile[rho_calc_true > percentile(rho_calc_true, solv_frac)] = 1
  File "/Users/georgep/PycharmProjects/test_env/HIO_Version3.py", line 216, in percentile
    order = flex.sort_permutation(x)
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    sort_permutation(scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> data, bool reverse=False, bool stable=True)
    sort_permutation(scitbx::af::const_ref<unsigned long, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> data, bool reverse=False, bool stable=True)
    sort_permutation(scitbx::af::const_ref<int, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> data, bool reverse=False, bool stable=True)

George N. Phillips, Jr.
Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor
BioSciences at Rice
Rice University, MS140
6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas  77005-1892
Office: +1 713.348.6951