13 Dec
13 Dec
6:31 p.m.
On Dec 13 2011, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
Hi Jeff, I'm not familiar with the boost unit test framework. If you are still stuck, if you describe exactly step-by-step how to reproduce your problem, maybe I can help. Problems I can imagine are somehow mixing two different boost versions, or incompatible compilation options. Ralf
I will try to reproduce the issue with as few changes to cctbx as possible. At the present, it appears to be a heisenbug (more likely it is pebkac) -- if I compile the Boost Test module (not my test program, but the actual Boost Test library) with -g, the memory error disappears (i.e. valgrind does not report an invalid read/write). I will write down the explicit steps I took when I get a bit more time.