It looks like the change Luc checked in yesterday regarding the
determination of the boost version has partially broken a build from
scratch. If you type the command:
before issuing make then I think it should work.
On 18 October 2012 10:01, Jeffrey Van Voorst
I am trying to use the set of commands to get cctbx from SVN (**current/installation.html#** using-the-cctbx-svn-repository **). However, either I am unable to follow the commands or something is not configured properly.
I did the following steps: svn export https://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.**net/svnroot/cctbx/trunk/** libtbx/development/cctbx_svn_**getting_started.csh /bin/csh cctbx_svn_getting_started.csh mkdir cctbx_build mv sources cctbx_sources cd cctbx_build python ../cctbx_sources/cctbx_**project/libtbx/ iotbx source make
Make fails almost immediately. I have listed the output from configure and the error from the make command on a gist (** 3912960
I just checked: if I configure using mmtbx instead of iotbx then building the package works.
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