I find the easiest way to do this is to install scipy with pip, and use the python associated with that install to be used as the python to compile the cctbx under.POn 6 November 2017 at 12:18, Magnus Andersson <magnus.andersson@scilifelab.se > wrote:______________________________Hello,I am not normally using cctbx but I’m trying to run a script that imports modules as follows:import sys,io,osimport subprocessimport numpyimport pickleimport mathimport pylab#import pymolimport timeimport scipyimport iotbx.pdbimport cctbximport mmtbx.modelfrom scipy.optimize import fmin, fmin_cg, leastsqfrom scipy.interpolate import interp1dimport datetimefrom numpy.random import random_samplefrom cctbx.array_family import flexfrom scitbx.math import superposeI have installed cctbx and run with cctbx.python.How can I import scipy into the cctbx python?Cheers,Magnus####Magnus Andersson, Docent, Ph.D.Phone: 0769469872Mailing address:Science For Life LaboratoryAlpha 6Box 1031171 21 SolnaVisiting address:Tomtebodavägen 23A171 65 Solna_________________
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