It's true as I had no idea until I became the moderator. It's just for
information unless some of the messages did get lost, then I guess it
behoves the poster to follow the advice to ensure the best result.
Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 33R0349, Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709 Email : [email protected]
Fax : 510-486-5909 Web : CCI.LBL.gov
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 10:16 AM,
Hi Nigel
Sensible however unknowable in advance that this is the behaviour & also who is on list!
Sorry Graeme
On 20 Jul 2015 18:13, Nigel Moriarty
wrote: Folks To those of you on the cctbx list (and even those not), as moderator I have received over a dozen requests from the server. One cause of the problem is non-members posting to a members-only list. This is usually caused by people including the ccbx list in a long list of recipients. This leads to another problem. The list complains about too many recipients.
I'm sure that some of the discussion regarding the current SourceForge situation has been garbled as a result.
There is an easy solution. When sending to the list, include only the list in the recipients. Anybody who is interested should subscribe to the list. Non members such as David Waterman should be encouraged to join the list.
--- Nigel W. Moriarty Building 33R0349, Physical Biosciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720-8235 Phone : 510-486-5709 Email : [email protected] Fax : 510-486-5909 Web : CCI.LBL.govhttp://CCI.LBL.gov
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