On Thu, 30. Aug 09:26, Nathaniel Echols wrote:
It is indeed an unfortunate situation, but historically* this was necessary because the license of the CCP4 libraries was ambiguous and/or unacceptable, and we were stuck using an obsolete version for a time. This has been resolved (the libraries are now LGPL, I believe), but Ralf maintained a separate source tree because (among other reasons) he couldn't convince the CCP4 maintainers to accept all of his patches. So the libraries we distribute are not necessarily the same as what you'd be installing system-wide. (I do not actually know what the changes are, but I will ask Ralf.)
Note that we also use the ccp4 libraries in SOLVE/RESOLVE, which is part of Phenix, and I suspect that some of the customizations are for that purpose, not CCTBX directly. OK but I was talking in general not only about ccp4. cctbx is distributing a lot of bundled libraries which are not maintained by this project: boost, scons, antlr3c, ann, cbflib, mmdb, clipper, gl2ps.