On 24 Feb 2024, at 14:34, Billy Poon <[email protected]> wrote:Hi Luc,There are currently nightly conda packages for Python 3.12 on the cctbx-nightly channel (https://anaconda.org/cctbx-nightly/). The nightly tests are also run on that version (https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project?tab=readme-ov-file#nightly-checks-of-current-release-and-nightly-builds-except-for-apple-silicon). There is a holdup to the migration on conda-forge because the pyside2 package is not available for Python 3.12. We will move that dependency to pyside6 (probably in a month or so) so that the migration can proceed. I removed the GUI packages (wxpython and pyside2, wxpython Python 3.12 support is available now) from the cctbx-nightly cctbx package so that I could build the Python 3.12 packages. Once the conda-forge package is migrated, I can add back the GUI dependencies to our nightly builds.If you test the nightly packages, let me know if you find any issues on Python 3.12. Thanks!--Billy K. PoonResearch Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated BioimagingLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1 Cyclotron Road, M/S 33R0345Berkeley, CA 94720Fax: (510) 486-5909_______________________________________________On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 12:35 AM Luc Bourhis <[email protected]> wrote:Hi,
I see in the commit that you guys are working on supporting Python 3.12. With the latest version of Python 3.11 on Anaconda, we have a compatibility issue between Qt that we use and ICU 70.1 that cctbx requires. The problem is solved by moving to Python 3.12, hence my question: when can we hope to see a release with Python 3.12? No pressure! Just trying to plan ahead.
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