You might be interested in an alternative method of calculating CC(1/2) from variances, rather than from explicit half-sets, described tersely in this paper 1. Assmann G, Brehm W, Diederichs K. Identification of rogue datasets in serial crystallography. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2016 Jun;49(3):1021–8.
On 18 Nov 2016, at 18:41, Luc Bourhis
wrote: I have just committed the necessary changes to add the parameter stable(=False) to flex.sort_permutation(). miller.array.sort_permutation sets stable=True when calling flex.sort_permutation(). This looks to have made the CC1/2 calculations platform-independent.
Thank you, that’s generally useful an addition. Sorry for not getting the context of your question in the first place!
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