There is now a fatal warning in libtbx/SConscript if gcc encounters variable length arrays as this is not portable code and we've had broken builds on more than one occasion due to this recently. Rob On 11/04/2017 12:01, Pavel Afonine wrote:
Hi Rob,
thanks for the fix. This is was Min's code (remember her from the past workshop?). I simply applied her patch without looking into it too much, and made sure all t96 pass.
Again, thanks for fixing it.
On 4/11/17 03:48, R.D. Oeffner wrote:
Hi Pavel, I have made a change to that file as it didn't compile on Windows. In fact I can't understand how it would compile with other compilers before as the syntax to me seemed illegal given that n is not known at compile time. I'm not sure how a dynamically created FloatType should be destroyed as I couldn't find any examples of that being done throughout this file. Rob