I've compiled the cctbx from the unix sources with the build tag
2008_09_13_0905 on a debian testing system:
Luc's reply assumes that you have a more recent cctbx version. This improved message only appears in versions after 2008-11-24: Floating-point error (Python and libc call stacks above) This crash may be due to a problem in any imported Python module, including modules which are not part of the cctbx project. To disable the traps leading to this message, define these environment variables (e.g. assign the value 1): BOOST_ADAPTBX_FPE_DEFAULT BOOST_ADAPTBX_SIGNALS_DEFAULT This will NOT solve the problem, just mask it, but may allow you to proceed in case it is not critical. Luc's instructions for customizing the floating-point traps only applies for versions after 2009-01-29. But setting the environment variables should also work with your version, I think. If you want to upgrade, use cctbx version 2009_07_21_2348 from here: http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/all.html Ralf