Hi folks, we are good to go on our side. The final dates are Nov 8th for
this first stage of the transition (updating bootstrap.py, buildbot and
Jenkins to all point at git) and Nov 22nd (locking the SVN tree on
sourceforge). Markus, now is a great time to send your helpful tip emails
that you did for DIALS :)
Thanks all!
On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 1:18 AM,
Hi Aaron,
Yes. Please give a shout when ready.
(Side note: If it’s the same to you I would prefer a hangout call because I can’t remember my Skype account details. Otherwise I’ll dig them up or get a new account.)
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
*From:* [email protected] [mailto:cctbxbb-bounces@ phenix-online.org] *On Behalf Of *Aaron Brewster *Sent:* 01 November 2016 17:51
*To:* cctbx mailing list *Subject:* Re: [cctbxbb] Git status update
Hi Markus,
Indeed, dials.lbl.gov is built off of the same sources. I was more concerned about cctbx.sourceforge.net. We can look into that on our end.
As for the repositories, there are licensing issues with the way you have things set up and we would like to examine if the code duplication that is occurring can be avoided. We (Billy and I) will make up a list of dependencies and their licenses and how we think they should be hosted. Should we do a brief skype call over the next couple days?
On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 2:04 AM,
wrote: Hi Aaron,
If you could send me your gmail addresses and I’ll share the doc.
Regarding your questions:
1. Syncing the repositories is done using subgit and I run this currently 4 times a day.
2. Yes, the repositories are copies of what we are distributing. No, I do not think we should remove them, rather we should if at all possible extend them by adding their development history and actually point to them. Currently no changes can be made to any of those packages, and – from a distribution point of view, worse – nobody knows if and when those packages do change. What I therefore do for dials releases is a) download all the packages, b) unpack them into the respective repositories and c) see if any changes were made before I d) tag the repository for release. As you can see this has a massive time impact and is part of the reason why releases are currently more painful than they have to be. Therefore if the packages were recently updated this is not a problem since nobody currently refers to them outside the stable releases.
3. Isn’t dials.lbl.gov already running off the https://github.com/dials/dials.github.io repository? I am sure we can have something similar for the cctbx websites. We already generate http://cctbx.github.io/ but I don’t atm know where cctbx.sourceforge.net comes from.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
*From:* [email protected] [mailto:cctbxbb-bounces@ phenix-online.org] *On Behalf Of *Aaron Brewster *Sent:* 28 October 2016 23:48
*To:* cctbx mailing list *Subject:* Re: [cctbxbb] Git status update
Hi Markus,
Billy, Nigel and I worked through the plan you originally sent out (linked at the top of this email thread). We've added a couple questions as comments in the document (expounded on below). Also, could you make the document writeable by Billy, Nigel and I? We want to assign some of the tasks listed.
Here are the questions:
- How is the repository at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx being synced with the SVN version? (This is just my own curiosity :) - We think the non-cctbx repositories there that are copies (clipper, boost, annlib, etc.) of the bundles distributed alongside cctbx need to be removed from the git cctbx organization as they are duplications of what we are currently distributing. You say they are there so you can do tagging with the dials releases, but if Billy has updated the versions at LBL, then wouldn't these versions hosted by git already be out of date? Which would affect the dials stable releases? - We need to think about how websites such as dials.lbl.gov or cctbx.sourceforge.net will be affected by moving to git. Probably it's just updating links or moving html files?
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 6:32 AM,
wrote: Hi Marcin.
Currently I would say there is no plan. I do not have the history of the projects, so I could not do anything about that. I also don't use any of those repositories, so can't really comment on their status or future. I created the repositories only so I can tag versions for the DIALS releases, otherwise someone changing the downloadable archive would affect stable releases.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS Postdoctoral Research Associate Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science & Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:cctbxbb-bounces@ phenix-online.org] On Behalf Of Marcin Wojdyr Sent: 23 August 2016 14:26 To: cctbx mailing list Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] Git status update
Hi Markus, what's the plan for the repositories that are currently imported as "copy of LBL archive" (without history). I guess the plan is to preserve the history - but will they be merged or added as submodule/subtree of the main cctbx repository?
Marcin _______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb
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