Hi Aaron
I guess like our other projects, cctbx developers have a bunch of stuff to commit before migrating, and as Nigel says there’s a phenix release RSN anyhow.
However I for one am very worried that this message says we’ve found half of the svn repo data, we don’t know when we will be able to tell you that you should be expecting service to be restored. Given that the frequency of updates seems to be every two days it would suggest we will know when svn likely to be back on Friday at earliest.
We’re part way through moving xia2 to git on github before even being able to merge latest change sets. It’s looking more and more like that was a good choice.
Best wishes Graeme
On 22 Jul 2015, at 21:51, Aaron Brewster mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
* SourceForge Allura Subversion (SVN) service – offline, filesystem checks complete, data restoration at 50%. Restoration priority after Git and Hg services. ETA TBD, Future update will provide ETA.
From this update that just went live:
Looks like we'll be waiting longer for SVN access to be restored. Seems like migrating to github makes more and more sense, indeed...
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:20 PM, mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Nigel
We're thinking along the same lines moving xia2 across first then maybe dials, depending on how people feel. Moving all of it across in the longer term would work well.
Thanks Graeme
On 20 Jul 2015 20:42, Nigel Moriarty mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
I have not read the emails regarding the current SourceForge situation. However, we had been planning to move to github in the near future. SF has been very reliable so I don't think it was too much of pain given the long use we've had from them.
It does, however, come at a time when we are trying to get out a major release of Phenix. To that end, it would be helpful if any commits were bug fixes only to minimise the risk of breaking to the codebase.
We will be actively evaluating the options regarding to github after Phenix 1.10 is safely away...
Nigel W. Moriarty
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