Hallo Horst,
I think this is probably a problem that the previous runs of bootstrap failed part way through building Python, and now when you're running it again it is skipping building Python because the base directory exists (and --skip-if-exists is set). However base/bin/python does not exist, so it fails. Perhaps you could try removing the base directory before re-running the script?
Dr Richard Gildea
Data Analysis Scientist
Tel: +441235 77 8078
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Horst Puschmann [[email protected]]
Sent: 06 April 2017 10:44
To: R. D. Oeffner
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] bootstrap.py on windows
Hallo Rob,
Richard (Gildea) has figured this out for me -- I was using python 2.7.8 and that's the first part of the problem. I updated to 2.7.13 and the initial issues to do with ssl are solved.
I am still stuck at the end:
Automated CCTBX dependencies build script
report problems to [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Base directory already exists and --skip-if-exists set; exiting.
===== Running in build: run configure.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bootstrap.py", line 2113, in <module>
File "bootstrap.py", line 2108, in run
File "bootstrap.py", line 1036, in run
File "bootstrap.py", line 189, in run
raise RuntimeError("Could not run %s: File not found" % executable)
RuntimeError: Could not run base\bin\python: File not found
What is it looking for? Please note: this is *not* a development machine.
On 6 April 2017 at 10:17, R. D. Oeffner mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Horst,
I'll look into that. FYI you can also get Windows builds of CCTBX. See email below. You may have to resort using bundles from a few days ago because the two last nightly builds on windows are broken.
-----Original Message----- From: R. D. Oeffner
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 3:49 PM
To: Billy Poon ; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: Re: Windows builds for cctbx
There should now be CCTBX builds for Windows in the most recent folders on
http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build . They are just the sources and the build
directory zipped into an archive and does not include an installation
program like the graphical Phenix installer for Windows. Presumably people
wanting to use only CCTBX are sufficiently computer savvy to cope with this.
Robert Oeffner, Ph.D.
Research Associate, The Read Group
Department of Haematology,
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
University of Cambridge
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 0XY
tel: +44(0)1223 763234tel:%2B44%280%291223%20763234
mobile: +44(0)7712 887162tel:%2B44%280%297712%20887162
-----Original Message----- From: Horst Puschmann
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:59 AM
To: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: [cctbxbb] bootstrap.py on windows
I am trying to install the cctbx on a Windows 7 64 bit machine using the following bootstrap.py file:
The script will fail, unless I comment out lines 1101 and 1102:
#if self.isPlatformWindows():
#tarurl, arxname, dirpath = MODULES.get_module(module)().get_tarauthenticated(auth=self.get_auth())
If it tries to execute the commented lines, the error will be "KeyError: 'cciuser' in line 590"
After commenting this out, it will fail in line 271, with "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_create_unverified_context'"
I can get round that with disabling line 247:
if sys.platform == "win32":
(i.e. change this to if sys.platform == "xxx":)
After that, things start downloading. All appears well until the same thing happens again in another bootstrap.py file in \modules\cctbx_project\libtbx\auto_build\bootstrap.py
If I disable *that*, it goes further but fails finally with
===== Running in build: run configure.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bootstrap.py", line 2113, in <module>
File "bootstrap.py", line 2108, in run
File "bootstrap.py", line 1036, in run
File "bootstrap.py", line 189, in run
raise RuntimeError("Could not run %s: File not found" % executable)
RuntimeError: Could not run base\bin\python: File not found
I guess the automatic tests haven't picked this up, because no authentication is needed, maybe?
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