
It seems a little odd that Boost is the problem because it has not changed for a very long time. In my experience, this usually means that the code using Boost has a memory leak.



Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 33R0349, Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709     Email :
Fax   : 510-486-5909       Web  :

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 8:05 AM, <> wrote:

Dials west is currently observing test failures on Mac related to Boost.

To exclude any errors on our side I have run things twice clean from bootstrap:

One of a number of affected tests:


libtbx.python cctbx/xray/boost_python/


show_stack(1): /Users/dlshudson/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_package_macosx/build_dials/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/xray/boost_python/ exercise_conversions

show_stack(2): /Users/dlshudson/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_package_macosx/build_dials/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/xray/boost_python/ run

show_stack(3): /Users/dlshudson/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_package_macosx/build_dials/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/xray/boost_python/ <module>

libc backtrace (29 frames, most recent call last):

  30  Python                              0x0000000100000d71 Python + 3441

  29  Python                              0x0000000100000e58 Python + 3672

  28  Python                              0x00000001000ef06f Py_Main + 3135

  27  Python                              0x00000001000d78be PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 702

  26  Python                              0x00000001000d7d84 PyRun_FileExFlags + 164

  25  Python                              0x00000001000aea06 PyEval_EvalCode + 54

  24  Python                              0x00000001000af244 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2100

  23  Python                              0x00000001000b25c8 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 12280

  22  Python                              0x00000001000b6ab6 fast_function + 118

  21  Python                              0x00000001000af244 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2100

  20  Python                              0x00000001000b25c8 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 12280

  19  Python                              0x00000001000b6ab6 fast_function + 118

  18  Python                              0x00000001000af244 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2100

  17  Python                              0x00000001000b4198 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 19400

  16  Python                              0x0000000100011023 PyObject_Call + 99

 15  Python                              0x000000010006ad8b type_call + 347

  14  Python                              0x00000001000708af slot_tp_init + 175

  13  Python                              0x0000000100011023 PyObject_Call + 99

  12  Python                              0x000000010001f0d8 instancemethod_call + 232

  11  Python                              0x0000000100011023 PyObject_Call + 99

  10  libboost_python.dylib               0x0000000101888663 boost::python::objects::function_call(_object*, _object*, _object*) + 83

  9   libboost_python.dylib               0x000000010188ce71 boost::python::handle_exception_impl(boost::function0<void>) + 81

  8   libboost_python.dylib               0x00000001018889ca boost::detail::function::void_function_ref_invoker0<boost::python::objects::(anonymous namespace)::bind_return, void>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&) + 26

  7   libboost_python.dylib               0x000000010188693a boost::python::objects::function::call(_object*, _object*) const + 874

  6                   0x0000000107c8e1c5 boost::python::detail::caller_arity<3u>::impl<void (*)(_object*, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&), boost::python::default_call_policies, boost::mpl::vector4<void, _object*, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&> >::operator()(_object*, _object*) + 229

  5                   0x0000000107c91f44 boost::python::objects::make_holder<2>::apply<boost::python::objects::value_holder<cctbx::xray::array_f_sq_as_f<cctbx::xray::f_sq_as_f_xtal_3_7, double> >, boost::mpl::joint_view<boost::python::detail::drop1<boost::python::detail::type_list<scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&, boost::python::optional<double const&, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_>, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_> >, boost::python::optional<double const&, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_, mpl_::void_> > >::execute(_object*, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&, scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> const&) + 100

  4   ???                                 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2

  3   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff8caabeaa _sigtramp + 26

  2            0x0000000101841370 initboost_python_meta_ext + 0

Floating-point error (Python and libc call stacks above)

                This crash may be due to a problem in any imported

                Python module, including modules which are not part

                of the cctbx project. To disable the traps leading

                to this message, define these environment variables

                (e.g. assign the value 1):



                This will NOT solve the problem, just mask it, but

                may allow you to proceed in case it is not critical.



Any ideas?


Best wishes,




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