Dear All,


Answered my own question:




Etc. in case anyone is interested.


Best wishes,




From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: 12 July 2011 15:06
To: [email protected]
Subject: [cctbxbb] Conversion from symmetry operation to matrix


Dear All,


For a little while now I have been using some cctbx jiffy code to convert from symmetry operations to matrices to help with testing reindexing data. This works as


def symop_to_mat(symop):

    return matrix.sqr(sgtbx.rt_mx(



Which is plenty simple. However it just exploded when given “1/2*z,-y+1/2*z,x”  - reasonably really as this is not a rotation. It is however a valid reindexing operation to go from C2 to P1.


Does anyone have code which will handle this general transformation from a reindexing operation to a matrix, which will cope with the fact that the resulting matrix is not RT? I had a little jiffy I wrote using ccp4f lib (symop2mat – you can probably see it!) but I am trying to do away with things like that and do everything properly…


Many thanks in advance,




Dr. Graeme Winter

Senior Software Scientist

Diamond Light Source


+44 1235 778091 (work)

+44 7786 662784 (work mobile)






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