The cctbx has always been strongly advocated as a open project that welcomed contributions and a significant amount of time has been spent on teaching people about that, e.g. at the IUCR computing schools or the computing fayres organised during various crystallography conferences. With mixed results to be honest. It has nevertheless always been a strong motivation for Ralf and for myself as well. So it makes us very happy that you are so much interested into the cctbx that you have found the motivation to do all that work.
But it happens that the cctbx core contributors tried to build such a community on their own terms, by using adhoc tools and methods, like distributing cctbx binaries with all deps for cctbx users, simply asking new developers to replace the source directory by a checkout. They have always been aware that this was at odd with the way most open source software are developed on Linux but this sounded like a good compromise for everybody.
So now it appears that it does not work, not only for you, but for Soleil as an organisation. So definitively, that's strong enough a motivation to see how we can accommodate your needs. That your proposed patches carefully try to keep your way and ours orthogonal by relying on extra options passed to libtbx/configure.py make them even more likeable. We will apply your patches in due course. But I would like to make it clear that 100% of the cctbx dependencies we currently bundle will not go away, and that it will take quite some time before we start reducing the count. Thanx for your kind words. I don't need you to unbundle cctbx for your public releases (I can already do it automatically with a script during packaging ;)). I just asked for the reasons (which sound reasonable to me now) and for an
On Sat, 01. Sep 04:18, Luc Bourhis wrote: optional package, but svn is fine too. I'm ok to compromise. Let's all work together on the things we can agree on and postpone the other issues to the future.