
[email protected]

April 2018

  • 13 participants
  • 7 discussions

10 May '18
Re: [cctbxbb] [Dials-support] Issue with hierarchy.as_pdb_string
by 28 Apr '18

28 Apr '18
scitbx without numpy - still supported?
by Nicholas Devenish 24 Apr '18

24 Apr '18
Misuse of libtbx/
by Robert Oeffner 09 Apr '18

09 Apr '18
simtbx - Pilatus example available
by James Holton 08 Apr '18

08 Apr '18
print dxtbx.model.Scan()
by James Holton 05 Apr '18

05 Apr '18
Exceptions squashed by easy_mp (revenge of)
by 03 Apr '18

03 Apr '18