Has anyone observed a failure of phenix.map_box when working with map files?
When working with a structure factor file with map coefficients, it works fine.
When a map file is used - the following occurs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 194, in <module>
line 158, in run
selection = selection)
File "/local/scratch/CCTBX/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/utils/__init__.py", line 2938,
in __init__
self.map_box = maptbx.copy(map_data, gridding_first, gridding_last)
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
cctbx_maptbx_ext.copy(double, list, list)
did not match C++ signature:
copy(scitbx::af::const_ref<double, cctbx::maptbx::c_grid_padded_p1<3ul> >
map_unit_cell, scitbx::af::tiny<int, 3ul> first, scitbx::af::tiny<int, 3ul> last)
copy(scitbx::af::const_ref<float, cctbx::maptbx::c_grid_padded_p1<3ul> >
map_unit_cell, scitbx::af::tiny<int, 3ul> first, scitbx::af::tiny<int, 3ul> last)
scitbx::af::flex_grid<scitbx::af::small<long, 10ul> > > map,
scitbx::af::flex_grid<scitbx::af::small<long, 10ul> > result_grid)
scitbx::af::flex_grid<scitbx::af::small<long, 10ul> > > map,
scitbx::af::flex_grid<scitbx::af::small<long, 10ul> > result_grid)
Any suggestions?
The map_data is the same format in the call....