Dear all!
I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask beginner-questions,
how to use cctbx, but I try anyway.
I would like to read in a mtz file, and convert it to a density map,
which I can modify in real space using the asymmetric unit, and
afterwards I would like to convert my modified map back to an mtz file.
Currently I am stuck at the point, where I want to reduce the map from
the unit cell to the asymmetric unit.
from iotbx import mtz
from cctbx import miller
mtz_file = mtz.object(mtz_filename)
Miller_array = mtz_file.as_miller_arrays()
NEW_ARRAY=Miller_array[0].phase_transfer(Miller_array[1], deg=True)
#by the way: what can I do with the mandatory_factors flag? Does
grid_step=1 means the grid as a 1A spacing?
FFT_map = NEW_ARRAY.fft_map(grid_step=1)
Real_map = FFT_map.real_map()
I would be happy, if anybody could give me some advice how to do that
using the cctbx libaries!
Thanks in advance
Dr Philipp Heuser
Postdoctoral fellow
c/o Building 25A, DESY
Notkestrasse 85
22603 Hamburg
phone: +49 40 89902 188
fax: +49 40 89902 149
mail: philipp.heuser(a)